Study #7 |

Welcome to study seven of the Bible Correspondence Course. We appreciate you taking the time to study God's word. It is our sincere hope you enjoy the course and that it increases your knowledge of the word of God. We recommend that you use either the King James Version or the New King James Version as you study this course. It is designed for use with either of these translations.
This study will deal with how to be saved. There is much controversy and disagreement regarding what the sinner must do to be saved. We will examine individual guilt, how Christ can take away that guilt. Once we understand how Christ has made salvation possible, we will explore what the Bible says the sinner must do to reach the saving power that is only in Christ.
This is a critical discussion. The importance of this subject cannot be measured. Your eternal destiny depends on you doing what God says you must do. Considering this, you need to get your Bible out and read the references as we investigate what God says about how to be saved.
This study will deal with how to be saved. There is much controversy and disagreement regarding what the sinner must do to be saved. We will examine individual guilt, how Christ can take away that guilt. Once we understand how Christ has made salvation possible, we will explore what the Bible says the sinner must do to reach the saving power that is only in Christ.
This is a critical discussion. The importance of this subject cannot be measured. Your eternal destiny depends on you doing what God says you must do. Considering this, you need to get your Bible out and read the references as we investigate what God says about how to be saved.
Understanding the Problem of Sin

To properly understand the salvation of man, you must first understand the sinfulness of man. Remember that in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve sinned, bringing sin into the world. Romans 5:12 talks about Adam's guilt in this regard. However, you need to clearly understand that the human race does not share Adam's guilt.
Some contend that each person is accountable for the sin of Adam. It is further maintained that each person inherits the sin of their ancestors. In Ezekiel 18:20 the Bible clearly says that the offspring does not bear the guilt of the parents. Instead, each person is accountable for their own action.
Passages like Galatians 5:19-21 are specific enough in their descriptions of sin to convict any honest person. He enumerates such categories as sexual sins, occultism, hateful feelings and behavior, drunkenness and wild celebrations. There is no doubt regarding the guilt of the human race and each individual. Romans 3:23 appropriately concludes that all are guilty of sin.
This fact becomes more alarming when you realize what the penalty for sin is. In Romans 6:23 we are told that sin's penalty is death. Sin incurs a certain debt that someone must pay. Jesus warns that all who are not right with God will be punished in the eternal torments of hell. [See Matthew 25:41, 46.] With such a severe penalty, it is good to hear that God offers the gift of salvation from sin through Jesus Christ.
Some contend that each person is accountable for the sin of Adam. It is further maintained that each person inherits the sin of their ancestors. In Ezekiel 18:20 the Bible clearly says that the offspring does not bear the guilt of the parents. Instead, each person is accountable for their own action.
Passages like Galatians 5:19-21 are specific enough in their descriptions of sin to convict any honest person. He enumerates such categories as sexual sins, occultism, hateful feelings and behavior, drunkenness and wild celebrations. There is no doubt regarding the guilt of the human race and each individual. Romans 3:23 appropriately concludes that all are guilty of sin.
This fact becomes more alarming when you realize what the penalty for sin is. In Romans 6:23 we are told that sin's penalty is death. Sin incurs a certain debt that someone must pay. Jesus warns that all who are not right with God will be punished in the eternal torments of hell. [See Matthew 25:41, 46.] With such a severe penalty, it is good to hear that God offers the gift of salvation from sin through Jesus Christ.
How Jesus Takes Away Sin
How can God offer a solution for sin through Christ when a sentence of death has been incurred? Sin does have a definite wage. That penalty must be paid. The offer of salvation through Christ must somehow involve the penalty being paid by Christ. Romans 5:8 reminds us of God's love for humanity, for you personally, even while we were sinners. God loves each person and does not want anyone to perish. [See II Peter 3:9.] Therefore, we know God has provided a way for us to reckon with sin.
Remember that according to Isaiah 59:1-2, sin separates the sinner from God. The specifics of how Christ takes away our sin is seen in II Corinthians 5:20-21. Paul speaks of how the apostle's mission was to show sinners how they can be reunited to God and have their sins taken away. It speaks of Christ becoming our sin so that his death could pay the penalty incurred by each person's sin.
So Christ offers himself, and more specifically his death, as a substitute for you paying the penalty yourself. But how can you receive that offer? How can you accept the death of Christ as payment for your own sin? Does the payment go out universally, without condition? Of course the death of Jesus is offered to all. [See I John 2:2.] But in Hebrews 5:9 the Bible tells us the salvation Christ offers is obtained only by those who obey him. Romans 1:16 says the gospel is God's power to salvation. It is by the gospel that you as a sinner can reach the saving power in the death of Jesus.
Remember that according to Isaiah 59:1-2, sin separates the sinner from God. The specifics of how Christ takes away our sin is seen in II Corinthians 5:20-21. Paul speaks of how the apostle's mission was to show sinners how they can be reunited to God and have their sins taken away. It speaks of Christ becoming our sin so that his death could pay the penalty incurred by each person's sin.
So Christ offers himself, and more specifically his death, as a substitute for you paying the penalty yourself. But how can you receive that offer? How can you accept the death of Christ as payment for your own sin? Does the payment go out universally, without condition? Of course the death of Jesus is offered to all. [See I John 2:2.] But in Hebrews 5:9 the Bible tells us the salvation Christ offers is obtained only by those who obey him. Romans 1:16 says the gospel is God's power to salvation. It is by the gospel that you as a sinner can reach the saving power in the death of Jesus.
What is the Gospel?
How to Obey the Gospel
You must obey the gospel in order to be saved. The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. How can you obey the death, burial and resurrection of Christ? Must you die on a cross, be buried and resurrected three days later? Romans 6:17-18 teaches that you are free from sin when you obey that form of doctrine. It appears that when you obey the gospel, you obey a form of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
What can you do that pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ? What can you do that constitutes obeying the gospel? Carefully read Romans 6:3-6 and you will learn. The Bible speaks of one thing and only one thing that the sinner can do to picture the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. That is baptism. When you are baptized, you are baptized into the death of Christ, you are buried with him in baptism and you rise to walk a new life. The Bible speaks of no other way to do this!
Remember Mark 16:15-16 where Jesus told his followers to preach the gospel. The gospel he told them to preach involved baptism. This is what Jesus said. Some today try to say baptism has nothing to do with the gospel and salvation. But the Bible clearly connects baptism with the gospel and salvation. Baptism is the means by which the sinner contacts the saving power in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
This needs to be understood clearly. Baptism is not a means to earn salvation. You cannot earn salvation. [See Titus 3:5.] Baptism is the condition that God has put forth which you must meet to obtain the salvation that can only be had through Christ.
The above scriptures are not the only ones that place great emphasis on baptism. In I Peter 3:21 the Bible says baptism saves us. What else could God say to show that baptism is a necessary step to salvation? Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16 both teach that baptism is the point at which the sinner's sins are forgiven. God has said a great deal to show us the means by which we can reach Christ our savior. It is up to you to do what God has said so your sins might be forgiven.
What can you do that pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ? What can you do that constitutes obeying the gospel? Carefully read Romans 6:3-6 and you will learn. The Bible speaks of one thing and only one thing that the sinner can do to picture the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. That is baptism. When you are baptized, you are baptized into the death of Christ, you are buried with him in baptism and you rise to walk a new life. The Bible speaks of no other way to do this!
Remember Mark 16:15-16 where Jesus told his followers to preach the gospel. The gospel he told them to preach involved baptism. This is what Jesus said. Some today try to say baptism has nothing to do with the gospel and salvation. But the Bible clearly connects baptism with the gospel and salvation. Baptism is the means by which the sinner contacts the saving power in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
This needs to be understood clearly. Baptism is not a means to earn salvation. You cannot earn salvation. [See Titus 3:5.] Baptism is the condition that God has put forth which you must meet to obtain the salvation that can only be had through Christ.
The above scriptures are not the only ones that place great emphasis on baptism. In I Peter 3:21 the Bible says baptism saves us. What else could God say to show that baptism is a necessary step to salvation? Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16 both teach that baptism is the point at which the sinner's sins are forgiven. God has said a great deal to show us the means by which we can reach Christ our savior. It is up to you to do what God has said so your sins might be forgiven.
More than Baptism
Of course baptism is not the only thing God requires you to do. There are other essential steps you must take before being baptized. These steps are clearly outlined in scripture and are just as important as baptism.
HEAR: Before you can be saved, you must hear about Christ and his gospel. John 6:44-45 says that to come to God a person must first be drawn to God. The passage explains that you are drawn to God by being taught about God. When you hear and believe this message, you then can obey it and come to God.
BELIEVE: After you hear, you are obligated to believe Christ and his gospel. In Hebrews 11:6 the Bible talks about coming to God. It says that to come to God you must believe. You cannot be saved without faith. John 3:16 tells us that believing in Christ is a necessary part of partaking in his gift of salvation.
REPENT: Believing demands that you repent. Faith means more than just acknowledging God's existence. It includes a desire to be obedient. [See James 2:14-26.] Therefore, faith must be expressed in obedient repentance. In Luke 13:3 Jesus taught that if you do not repent you will perish. Repentance is a change of heart, a renewing of the mind, a decision to follow Christ. II Corinthians 7:10-11 helps us to understand the kind of fruit that should follow repentance. You must repent and turn to Christ in order to be saved. [See Acts 3:19.]
CONFESS: Confession is another condition you must meet. In Romans 10:9-10 Paul makes an association between belief, confession and salvation. Note this is confession of your faith in Christ. Matthew 10:32-33 records that Jesus taught if you don't confess Christ he won't confess you before God.
BAPTISM: These previous steps are necessary. But the Bible never says they picture the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Baptism is the only thing God says pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, baptism is the way to obey the gospel.
HEAR: Before you can be saved, you must hear about Christ and his gospel. John 6:44-45 says that to come to God a person must first be drawn to God. The passage explains that you are drawn to God by being taught about God. When you hear and believe this message, you then can obey it and come to God.
BELIEVE: After you hear, you are obligated to believe Christ and his gospel. In Hebrews 11:6 the Bible talks about coming to God. It says that to come to God you must believe. You cannot be saved without faith. John 3:16 tells us that believing in Christ is a necessary part of partaking in his gift of salvation.
REPENT: Believing demands that you repent. Faith means more than just acknowledging God's existence. It includes a desire to be obedient. [See James 2:14-26.] Therefore, faith must be expressed in obedient repentance. In Luke 13:3 Jesus taught that if you do not repent you will perish. Repentance is a change of heart, a renewing of the mind, a decision to follow Christ. II Corinthians 7:10-11 helps us to understand the kind of fruit that should follow repentance. You must repent and turn to Christ in order to be saved. [See Acts 3:19.]
CONFESS: Confession is another condition you must meet. In Romans 10:9-10 Paul makes an association between belief, confession and salvation. Note this is confession of your faith in Christ. Matthew 10:32-33 records that Jesus taught if you don't confess Christ he won't confess you before God.
BAPTISM: These previous steps are necessary. But the Bible never says they picture the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Baptism is the only thing God says pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, baptism is the way to obey the gospel.
Examples of Conversion from the Book of Acts
Please note that only the steps specifically mentioned in the text have been marked on the chart. Though the other steps may be implied in each case, one way or another, for the present purposes just note the ones specifically mentioned.
You can see that baptism is the only one that is specifically mentioned in every case. No doubt each case involved all five steps, or the individuals would not have been saved. But baptism is the only one mentioned every time. Could it be that God is making a special effort to show that baptism is essential in being converted to Christ and being saved from sin?
Please note that only the steps specifically mentioned in the text have been marked on the chart. Though the other steps may be implied in each case, one way or another, for the present purposes just note the ones specifically mentioned.
You can see that baptism is the only one that is specifically mentioned in every case. No doubt each case involved all five steps, or the individuals would not have been saved. But baptism is the only one mentioned every time. Could it be that God is making a special effort to show that baptism is essential in being converted to Christ and being saved from sin?
Summary of Study # 7
In this study we have examined much controversial material in a very candid way. We considered the sinfulness of man and each person's accountability for that sin. Passages were examined that show the penalty for sin. Christ offers his death as payment for the penalty you have incurred with your sin instead you paying the penalty yourself.
The way you secure that payment is by obeying the gospel. You must obey God to be saved. The gospel is the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. You obey that gospel by being baptized into Christ. There are other things you must do before being baptized. You must hear, believe, repent and confess your faith.
Take your Bible in hand. Carefully read the articles and study the references given. Examine the questions in light of what the Bible says. Make certain of what the Bible says you must do to be saved. This search for truth is serious. Your soul's salvation depends on finding the right way.
The way you secure that payment is by obeying the gospel. You must obey God to be saved. The gospel is the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. You obey that gospel by being baptized into Christ. There are other things you must do before being baptized. You must hear, believe, repent and confess your faith.
Take your Bible in hand. Carefully read the articles and study the references given. Examine the questions in light of what the Bible says. Make certain of what the Bible says you must do to be saved. This search for truth is serious. Your soul's salvation depends on finding the right way.