Study #8 |

Welcome to study eight of the Bible Correspondence Course. We appreciate you taking the time to study God's word. It is our sincere hope you enjoy the course and that it increases your knowledge of the word of God. We recommend that you use either the King James Version or the New King James Version as you study this course. It is designed for use with either of these translations.
In this study we will continue our discussion of the plan of salvation. We will consider different reactions to God's plan of redeeming man. People respond in different ways to the truth. Some pervert the truth in different ways.
This study will examine common errors regarding God's will for the salvation of man. It will look at those who do nothing, and those who teach a plan different from God's (such as the sinner's prayer). Additionally, this study will deal with perversions of baptism and the importance of being correctly baptized.
Please keep your Bible in hand as you read this study. Look up all the references. Read carefully and slowly to make certain that you understand God's will for you. [See Acts 17:11.] Search the scriptures to see if these things are true.
In this study we will continue our discussion of the plan of salvation. We will consider different reactions to God's plan of redeeming man. People respond in different ways to the truth. Some pervert the truth in different ways.
This study will examine common errors regarding God's will for the salvation of man. It will look at those who do nothing, and those who teach a plan different from God's (such as the sinner's prayer). Additionally, this study will deal with perversions of baptism and the importance of being correctly baptized.
Please keep your Bible in hand as you read this study. Look up all the references. Read carefully and slowly to make certain that you understand God's will for you. [See Acts 17:11.] Search the scriptures to see if these things are true.
Some Have Done Nothing
What have you done for your salvation? Many people have gone through some kind of religious ceremony or procedure which they believe has procured their salvation. Perhaps you have done nothing. If this is the case, there are some things you need to seriously consider.
Without Christ, you are lost! In John 14:6 Christ said that you cannot come to the Father without him. John 3:3-5 records where Jesus told Nicodemus that without being born again, you cannot be saved. The new birth is a process of obeying the will of God. [See I Peter 1:22-23.] God directly connects obeying the truth with being born again. The previous study explored what you must obey in order to be saved or be born again. If you have not taken these steps, you will be lost.
Do not be deceived into thinking that God will let you into heaven because you are a good person. In the eyes of God, without Christ, you are a sinner. [See Romans 3:10, 19, 23 and Ezekiel 18:20.] In Matthew 7:22-23 Jesus depicts a judgement scene in which those who are lost expected to be saved. They expected to be saved because of their good works. But living a good life alone cannot save you. You must contact the blood and death of Christ. If you have never obeyed the gospel of Christ, respond as soon as possible. Contact us and let us assist you in becoming a Christian.
But Can’t I Be Saved By Faith Only?
You might be thinking that you are already saved. You might be thinking you don't need to be baptized. You are not alone. There are many who believe the sinner can be saved without baptism. Passages such as John 3:16 tell us of the connection between belief and salvation. Based on this and similar verses, some conclude that you can be saved by faith only, without being baptized.
There is no doubt the Bible links faith with salvation. However, the Bible never says we are saved by faith only. In fact, the only place in the New Testament where the word "faith" is followed by the word "only" is James 2:24. It says that you cannot be justified by faith only. Read James 2:14-26 and you will learn that faith alone will not save you. In I John 2:4 he goes as far as to say that if someone claims to know God but has not obeyed him, such as person is a liar and void of the truth!
If all you have to do to be saved is believe, even demons will be saved. That is right. James 2:19 says the devils believe. In Luke 4:33-34 the Bible talks about one wicked spirit that not only believed but also confessed that Jesus was the Holy One. Yet this demon expected to be tormented in hell. The fact is clear. Faith alone cannot save.
Rather than procuring salvation, faith only begins the process. In John 1:12 he said believing or receiving Christ gives you the right to become a child of God. Notice it did not say receiving Christ makes you God's child. It gives you the power to become God's child. Galatians 3:26-27 talks about becoming God's child by faith. It explains when a person becomes a child of God by faith. It happens when a person is baptized into Christ.
If you are trusting faith only to save you, you are sadly misled. In Matthew 7:21 Jesus said not every person who calls on Christ will be saved. Only those who do the will of the Father will be saved. If you have not yet obeyed the will of God, you need to now, so the blood of Christ can take away your sin. [See Colossians 1:14.] You need to obey the gospel now so Christ's death can be counted as the penalty for your sins.
But I Have Invited Christ Into My Heart
Another common practice is what is commonly called the sinner's prayer. Perhaps you prayed as a sinner, confessing your sins, asking Christ for forgiveness. Some call this asking him into your heart as your personal Savior. Did you know the Bible never teaches the alien sinner to do this? Did you know Jesus never preached this plan? Did you know none of the apostles preached this plan?
Instead of teaching the sinner to contact the death of Christ by praying the sinner's prayer, the Bible says God does not hear sinners. [See John 9:31.] Psalms 109:7 and Proverbs 28:9 say the sinner's prayer is sin and an abomination!
In Mark 16:15-16, when Jesus told his followers to preach the gospel, he did not say; "He who believes and prays the sinner's prayer will be saved." In Romans 6:3-6, where Paul tells us how to contact the death of Christ, he did not say we do so by the sinner's prayer.
In Acts 2:36-38 Peter is confronted with a group of sinners, convicted of their guilt. They ask him and the other apostles what they should do. Did Peter tell them to pray, asking Christ into their heart as their personal Savior? No, he told them to repent and be baptized.
In Acts 22:16 where Saul (later known as Paul) eagerly waits to learn what he must do, did Ananias tell him to pray the sinner's prayer? No, Saul had already been praying. [See Acts 9:11.] But his prayers did not bring about salvation. Ananias told him to be baptized and wash away his sins. If the sinner's prayer was God's plan for salvation, Saul would have had no sins to wash away. His prayers would have already achieved that.
Are you trusting a sinner's prayer to save you? If so, you are trusting a plan that is not God's. You need to obey the gospel as it is set forth in scripture. Do not delay. Delaying could cost you your salvation. Obey God now and enjoy the blessings of salvation that can only come through Christ.
Is My Baptism Valid?
It might be the case that you once believed in faith only salvation or the sinner's prayer. Maybe now you understand the emphasis God places on baptism, but you have already been baptized. So the question arises, “Am I not all right since I've already been baptized?”
Why were you baptized? If you believed that you were saved at the point of faith or when you prayed the sinner's prayer, you were not baptized for the remission of sin. So why were you baptized? Some will answer to join a certain denomination. Others were baptized because they knew God wanted them to. Does your reason for being baptize effect the validity of your baptism? If you were baptized for the wrong reason will God accept your baptism?
In Colossians 2:12 Paul talks about the importance of baptism. He says that in baptism you are risen through faith in the operation or working of God. Scriptural baptism requires faith in what God will do for you at the point of your baptism.
We have learned that at baptism, the sinner contacts the death and blood of Jesus. It is at this point that God counts the death of Christ as the penalty for their sins and washes the sins away with Christ's blood. If you did not understand this when you were baptized, how could you have faith in what God would do for you? Put simply, you couldn't have faith that God was going to take away your sins at baptism if you believed your sins had already been taken away.
In Mark 16:16 the gospel that Jesus preached involved belief, baptism and then salvation. If you believed you were saved prior to baptism, then you obeyed a gospel Jesus never preached. You obeyed a plan that says, he who believes and is saved ought to be baptized. Jesus didn't preach that gospel. Therefore, you have never obeyed the gospel Jesus preached. Since you have never obeyed that gospel, you are lost, though you went through a ceremony called baptism. Your baptism was not valid because it was not the baptism Jesus preached.
Is there such a thing in the Bible as invalid baptism? Has God ever required someone be baptized because a previous baptism was not valid? The answer is in Acts 19:1-5. Paul spoke to disciples at Ephesus. They had been through a ceremony called baptism. Because they didn't have faith in Jesus as the Christ, that baptism was not valid. Upon learning this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord.
If you can see that your baptism was different from that which is taught in scripture, why won't you be baptized in the name of the Lord? You need to realize that though you have been through a religious ceremony, you have never been baptized into Christ. The baptism into Christ involves baptism for salvation. Baptism for any other purpose is not baptism into Christ and is not valid. Think about this with a serious heart. Don't be defensive. Obey God's will for your life, even if it means forsaking your religious beliefs and actions of the past.
Is Sprinkling And Infant Baptism Acceptable?
What is baptism? Some sprinkle or pour water on a person and call that baptism. Is that baptism? Others believe baptism is an inward, spiritual thing that does not involve water. Like all other spiritual questions, look to the Bible for the answers.
In Acts 10:48 Peter gave the command to be baptized. In giving that command he spoke of water. Acts 8:36-39 records that when the Ethiopian eunuch wanted to be baptized, he saw water as the element of baptism. Several other passages make reference to baptism in water. There can be no doubt that baptism involves water.
Since those who sprinkle or pour use water, doesn't that qualify as baptism? No, because the Greek word for “baptize” means to dip. But there is more than just the definition of the term to show that scriptural baptism is by immersion and not sprinkling or pouring.
In John 3:23 John selected a certain site for baptism because there was much water there. Neither sprinkling nor pouring require much water. However, immersion requires much water. Therefore, John was practicing immersion. In Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:12 baptism is called a burial. Sprinkling is not a burial. Pouring is not a burial. But immersion is obviously a burial in water. Therefore, immersion is the scriptural form of baptism.
What about infant baptism? Many denominations sprinkle infants, calling that baptism.
Does the Bible authorize baptizing infants? Earlier we learned that before a person is baptized, they must believe, repent and confess. [See Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, and Matthew 10:32-33.] An infant cannot believe or repent. These require reasoning power and decision making ability which infants do not possess. An infant cannot confess Christ because that requires talking. [See Romans 10:9-10.] Of course infants cannot talk. So it is not possible for an infant to be scripturally baptized.
Infants are innocent in the eyes of God. [See Matthew 18:3 and Matthew 19:14.] According to Ezekiel 18:20, we do not inherit sin from our parents. An infant is too young to understand right from wrong, so they are not guilty. As Christ said, of such is the kingdom of heaven. Since children are innocent before God, there is no need to baptize them.
Infant baptism, sprinkling or baptism involving something other than water is not scriptural baptism. The baptism taught in the Bible is immersion in water of a repentant believer who has confessed faith in Christ. Any other form is not scriptural baptism and does not constitute obedience to the gospel. Have you been through a ceremony called baptism that was not consistent with biblical teaching? If so, you have never been baptized into Christ. You need to believe, repent, confess and be immersed in water for the forgiveness of sins. Don't make excuses or delay. Submit your life to God's will while there is still opportunity.
A Serious Commitment
If you are not yet a Christian and are considering becoming one, you need to evaluate the seriousness of this commitment. If you are already a Christian, you need to think about the awesome responsibility you have undertaken.
In Luke 14:26-33 Jesus talked about discipleship. As his comparison suggests, you need to count the cost. Are you willing to give your life to him? You need to be, for without him you are lost. But remember, if you become a Christian and then revert back to sin, you will be just as lost as you were before becoming a Christian. II Peter 2:20-22 talks about the tragedy of a Christian turning back to sin after being delivered by Christ.
Don't be deceived into thinking you can't fall from grace! The Bible clearly says you can. [See Galatians 5:4, Hebrews 12:15, and I Corinthians 9:27.] According to Romans 2:7, the reward of salvation comes to those who patiently continue in the Christian life. Damnation comes to those who live in disobedience.
You need to be a Christian. However, you need to understand that being a servant of Christ is serious business. When you agree to become a child of God, you accept all the responsibilities. The obligation is serious, but the rewards are immeasurable. As Paul says in Romans 8:18, whatever suffering you endure now will pale to insignificance when you reap the glory of your heavenly reward.
In Luke 14:26-33 Jesus talked about discipleship. As his comparison suggests, you need to count the cost. Are you willing to give your life to him? You need to be, for without him you are lost. But remember, if you become a Christian and then revert back to sin, you will be just as lost as you were before becoming a Christian. II Peter 2:20-22 talks about the tragedy of a Christian turning back to sin after being delivered by Christ.
Don't be deceived into thinking you can't fall from grace! The Bible clearly says you can. [See Galatians 5:4, Hebrews 12:15, and I Corinthians 9:27.] According to Romans 2:7, the reward of salvation comes to those who patiently continue in the Christian life. Damnation comes to those who live in disobedience.
You need to be a Christian. However, you need to understand that being a servant of Christ is serious business. When you agree to become a child of God, you accept all the responsibilities. The obligation is serious, but the rewards are immeasurable. As Paul says in Romans 8:18, whatever suffering you endure now will pale to insignificance when you reap the glory of your heavenly reward.
A summary of Study #8
This study has discussed the plan of salvation as it relates to what many are doing today. It covers those who have done nothing toward salvation as well as those who have done something but perhaps the wrong thing.
This study scripturally challenges commonly held beliefs such as salvation by faith only, the sinner's prayer, baptism for reasons other than salvation, infant baptism and sprinkling. As you examine these controversial issues, please remember that Jeremiah 10:23 says it is not within man to guide his own steps. Proverbs 3:5-6 implores us to let God direct our paths.
You may feel confident that your religious decisions up to this time are right. Don't let your feelings guide you in this manner. Proverbs 14:12 warns that some things may seem right but lead to death. Let the word of God resolve these issues. It is powerful for such use. [See Hebrews 4:12.] In John 5:39 Jesus admonished the Jews to search the scriptures. You too should search God's word and learn his will. Submit your life to his will and enjoy the blessings we can obtain only through his grace.
This study scripturally challenges commonly held beliefs such as salvation by faith only, the sinner's prayer, baptism for reasons other than salvation, infant baptism and sprinkling. As you examine these controversial issues, please remember that Jeremiah 10:23 says it is not within man to guide his own steps. Proverbs 3:5-6 implores us to let God direct our paths.
You may feel confident that your religious decisions up to this time are right. Don't let your feelings guide you in this manner. Proverbs 14:12 warns that some things may seem right but lead to death. Let the word of God resolve these issues. It is powerful for such use. [See Hebrews 4:12.] In John 5:39 Jesus admonished the Jews to search the scriptures. You too should search God's word and learn his will. Submit your life to his will and enjoy the blessings we can obtain only through his grace.